Dr. Ellerie is now taking clients at SLO Naturopathic & Acupuncture in downtown San Luis Obispo. Visit slonaturopathic.com to learn more or call 805-316-1364 to schedule an appointment.
What is patient centered holistic medicine?

By treating patient holistically using both modern medicine and traditional medicine and using Eastern and Western philosophies in holistic healing, Dr. Ellerie focuses on identifying root causes of health imbalances as well as symptomatically treating. The goal isn’t to suppress the body, but to create an environment in which the body can heal. It’s important that you feel better too!
Dr. Ellerie actively listens to a patient’s whole story. Having studied multiple systems of medicine means that there’s a lot more options than conventional medicine. Patients are given holistic treatments that include dietary and nutrition advice, stress management techniques, nutraceuticals, herbalism, homeopathy and lifestyle changes. Dr. Ellerie also has other options when it comes to labwork. She can both ordinary labwork but also specialty functional labwork that looks deeper into digestion, hormones, food intolerances, and nutrient status.
If you’re ready to address root causes of your health imbalances, apply to be a patient here:
Common complaints Dr. Ellerie hears from new patients:
- “My current doctor won’t listen to my whole story.”
- “My doctor won’t run the labs or imaging I need.”
- “My doctor dismissed my symptoms.”
- “My doctor has given me meds and no other options.”
- “I have tried everything and nothing is working.”
Dr. Ellerie didn’t want to be a doctor until she learned about Naturopathic medicine. After working as a Biomedical Engineer in hospitals she became disillusioned with conventional medicine. Believing in a better way for patients to regain health, she wanted to be part of the solution not part of the system. When she discovered Naturopathic medicine she decided to become a doctor. Many people think holistic medicine is ‘alternative’ but in reality holistic medicine looks at the foundations of health (diet, stress management, water intake, sleep) and then goes beyond to understand why the body is in a state of imbalance. Instead of alternative medicine, Naturopathic medicine could be called ‘common sense medicine’.

What conditions are commonly treated?
- Bloating/Gas
- Abdominal Pain
- Constipation
- Loose stool
- Crohn’s
- Celiac Disease
- Small intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth
- HPA Axis Dysregulation (adrenal fatigue)
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Low motivation
- Irregular menses
- Heavy or light menses
- Painful Periods
- Perimenopause/menopause
- Bio-idental hormones (HRT)
- Low mood
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Acne
- Eczema
- Aging Skin
- Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Lupus
This list isn’t complete. Dr. Ellerie is used to seeing people with complex conditions and multiple concurrent conditions. If your condition isn’t listed, please reach out to Dr. Ellerie at SLO Naturopathic at 805-316-1364.